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Farmer Knowledge
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Sprays starting from the last week of July at 15 days interval with Carbaryl (0.2%) or Quinalphos (0.05%) effectively controls the pest.
Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.

Crop Stage Images

Crop Stage Germination Transplanting to plant establish stage Vegetative Stage Flower Initiation to 1st picking Harvesting
(in days)
10 30 30 80

Nutrients (Kg/ha)

N 20 80 60 40
P 7.50 15 7.50 7.50
K 10 40 30 20
Flower or Leaf WebberStem BorerStone WeevilFruit FlyMealy BugsShoot BorerMango Hoppers
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Sprays starting from the last week of July at 15 days interval with Carbaryl (0.2%) or Quinalphos (0.05%) effectively controls the pest.
Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Puapae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Prune and destroy affected branches and paste the cut ends with 5% copper oxychloride (50 g / liter of water).
Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Spraying the tree trunks with kerosene oil emulsion after harvest of fruits to kill the adults.

Spraying on young fruits with Dimethoate, Deltamethrine Acephate, Carbaryl and Ethofenprox, Azadirachtin and fish oil rosin soap.

Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Application of spray bait (20 ml. malathion +200 g gul +20 Lit. water).

Spraying of adjoining hedges with 0.05% dimethoate or 0.1% carbaryl.

After harvesting, dip the fruits in 5% sodium chloride solution for 60 minutes to kill the eggs, if any and also to decontaminate them of insecticide residue if at all present.

Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Soil application of 2% methyl parathion dust to kill newly emerged nymphs.

Spray with 0.05% dimethoate or 0.1% carbaryl.

Organic: Spray G Agro Lecanicillium 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Spray with 0.03% dimethoate.
Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Life Cycle Of Pest:
Description: Stage 1: Egg Stage 2: Larvae Stage 3: Pupae Stage 4: Adult
Mark Of Identification:

Life Cycle:

Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: First spray of imidacloprid(0.005%, 0.3 ml per liter of water) should be done at early stages of panicle formation, if hopper population is more than 5 per panicle.

The second spray of thiamethoxam (0.005%, i.e., 0.2 g per liter of water) or acephate (1.5 g per liter of water) should be carried out after fruit set.

If substantial hopper population still persists, third spray of carbaryl(0.15%, i.e., 3 g per liter of water) should be done before maturity of fruits.

Mettarhizium anisoplae @ 5 gm/lit or Neem oil 5 ml/lit may be sprayed against hoppers and shoot webber.

Do not to spray insecticides (more than 50 per cent flowering) : affect the pollinator activity leading to low fruit set.

Organic: Spray G Agro Beauveria 5gm/lit + G Agro Lecanicillium 5gm/lit +  G Agro Metarohizium 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.

Diseases/Pest on Mango :

  • Flower or Leaf Webber
  • Mango Stem Borer
  • Mango Stone Weevil
  • Mango Fruit Fly
  • Mealy Bugs
  • Shoot Borer
  • Mango Hoppers

Get the detailed information here: 


Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic

  • Flowers in the inflorescence are webbed together by the larva & inside this silk lined gallery it remains & feeds causing considerable damage.
  • It also bores into the inflorescence stalk.

  • Pruning of infested shoots and their burning in the month of April to July is found effective.
  • Raking of the soil around the base of the trees in January, after the last generation has pupated, helps in checking the pest population.


  • Sprays starting from the last week of July at 15 days interval with Carbaryl (0.2%) or Quinalphos (0.05%) effectively controls the pest.

Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
  • Entire tree gets killed in case of severe infestation.
  • Adults : stout, dark brown beetles 50-55 mm (male) and 55-60 mm (female) long with yellowish-green pubescence (fine hairs).
  • Keep the orchards clean and follow recommended agro-techniques.
  • Mechanically remove the grubs from the infected trunk holes by using iron wire / hook.


  • Prune and destroy affected branches and paste the cut ends with 5% copper oxychloride (50 g / liter of water).


Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
  • Larva : Small, thick and white, apodus, fleshy, light in colour with dark head. Five larval instars.
  • Penetrate the seed coat easier on younger fruit of all varieties.
  • Pupa : Pupation inside the stone.
  • Spraying the tree trunks with kerosene oil emulsion after harvest of fruits to kill the adults.
  • Spraying on young fruits with Dimethoate, Deltamethrine Acephate, Carbaryl and Ethofenprox, Azadirachtin and fish oil rosin soap.
  • Collection and destruction of all fallen fruits and seeds during the fruiting period.
  • Introduction of the ant Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricus) into mango orchards with use of soft chemicals.
  • Hot water treatment 500C after harvesting of fruits for 30 min.
  • Treatment of Mango fruits with Gamma Irradiation.

Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
single largest crop damager in India.

  • About 27% of harvesting loss.
  • Attack semi ripe and mature fruits (April and May).
  • Other fruits like guava, citrus, plum, peach, sapota, loquot, etc are also susceptible to this pest attack.
  • Maggots : White, small and tapers at one end. M.P.: 1-4 weeks whitish colour apodus.
  • Pupa : Pupation in soil, P.P. 8-10 days.
  • Pest hibernates in pupal stage in soil during winter, active in June – August.
  • Maggots feed inside the fruit on pulp.
  • Also maggots secretes excreta inside the developing fruits.
  • Affected fruits start rotting and drop down.
  • Brown rotten patch appears on fruit.
  • Pre maturing of fruits and heavy dropping of fruits noticed.
  • Attack observed in harvested mango also.
  • Sanitation : Daily removal and destruction of fallen affected fruits.
  • Bagging of fruits.
  • Avoid infestation of fruit flies by early harvesting of mature fruits.
  • Raking of soil around the tree to expose and kill the pupae.


  • Application of spray bait (20 ml. malathion +200 g gul +20 Lit. water).
  • Spraying of adjoining hedges with 0.05% dimethoate or 0.1% carbaryl.
  • Monitor the fruit-fly population in orchards by using methyl eugenol traps.
  • After harvesting, dip the fruits in 5% sodium chloride solution for 60 minutes to kill the eggs, if any and also to decontaminate them of insecticide residue if at all present.

Natural Enemies:

  • The parasitoid associated with this pest are Opius compensatus, Biosleres arisanus (Braconidae), Dirhinus giffardi (Chalcididae),Trybliographa daci (Eucoilidae).

Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
  • Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender stem, leaves and fruits.
  • In case of severe infestation the tree shows sickly appearance.
  • Growth is impaired. Leaves and flowers are shed resulting in poor setting and premature fruit fall.
  • Honeydew excreted by the insect favours development of black sooty mould, which also affects normal photosynthetic activity of the plant.
  • Older fruits do not develop properly.
  • Ploughing below the tree to expose & kill the eggs of mealy bugs.


  • Soil application of 2% methyl parathion dust to kill newly emerged nymphs.
  • Use of Sticky alkathene sheets of 400 gauge thickness, 25 cm half meter above ground level in second week of December to prevent the climbing of bugs on trees.
  • Spray with 0.05% dimethoate or 0.1% carbaryl.

Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
  • Caterpillar feeds on tender leaves initially and then bore into the growing shoots from the growing tip downward and kill the shoots completely.
  • Spray with 0.03% dimethoate.
  • Clip off and destroy infested shoots.

Disease / pest Damage stage Management / Chemical Organic
  • Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots and inflorescence of mango tree.
  • Resulting in withering and shedding of flower buds and also wilting and drying of shoots and leaves.
  • Blacking growth on leaf surfaces observed which responsible for declining of photosythetic activities.
  • Fruits becomes blackish in colour, dropping of fruits in early stage.
  • First spray of imidacloprid (0.005%, 0.3 ml per liter of water) should be done at early stages of panicle formation, if hopper population is more than 5 per panicle.
  • The second spray of thiamethoxam (0.005%, i.e., 0.2 g per liter of water) or acephate (1.5 g per liter of water) should be carried out after fruit set.
  • If substantial hopper population still persists, third spray of carbaryl (0.15%, i.e., 3 g per liter of water) should be done before maturity of fruits.
  • Mettarhizium anisoplae @ 5 gm/lit or Neem oil 5 ml/lit may be sprayed against hoppers and shoot webber.
  • Do not to spray insecticides (more than 50 per cent flowering) : affect the pollinator activity leading to low fruit set.
  • Synthetic pyrethroids such as cypermethrin, permethrin, fenvalerate and deltamethrin should not be sprayed in mango as they are harmful to human health.
