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Deficiency of Nutrients:

Nutrients Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Zinc (Zn)
Nutrients Deficiency
Deficiency Symptoms 1. Leaves become yellowish green erect and upright curled, wilted and dwarf.

2. At maturity tissue above bulbs become soft.

1. Slow growth, maturity blazed.

2. Leaf colour becomes light green and bulbs have few dried outer peals.

3. Tip burn in older leaves.

1. Since potassium is very mobile within the plant, symptoms only develop on young leaves in the case of extreme deficiency.

2. Tip burn symptoms: leaves become dark green and erect.

3. Older leaves become yellow and necrotic.

1. Leaves show interveinal necrosis.

2. In the early stages of zinc deficiency the younger leaves become yellow and pitting develops in the interveinal upper surfaces of the mature leaves.

3. As the deficiency progress these symptoms develop into an intense interveinal necrosis but the main veins remain green.

Nutrients Sulphur (S) Manganese(Mn) Iron (Fe)
Nutrients Deficiency
Deficiency Symptoms 1. The leaves show general overall chlorosis.

2. The yellowing is much more uniform over the entire plant including young leaves.

1. Leaves show tip burn, light coloured and curling.

2. Growth is restricted.

3. Bulbing delayed with thick necks.

1. Complete yellowing of young leaves.

2. The most common symptom for iron deficiency starts out as interveinal chlorosis of the youngest leaves, evolves into an overall chlorosis, and ends as a totally bleached leaf.

Common Pests
Onion thripsOnion MaggotCutworms
Images Of Pest Life Cycle:
Stages: Egg Larvae Pupae Adult
Mark Of Identification: Kidney-shaped eggs singly. Resemble the adults in shape and color but are wingless and slightly smaller. The ground and pupate at a depth of about 25 mm. Slender, yellowish brown and measure about 1 mm in length.
Life Cycle: 8-6 Days. 4-6 Days. 2-4 Days. 2-4 Weeks.
Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: At the time of transplanting in main fields deep the roots in Imidacloprid 10 ml or Carbosulfan 30 ml + Trichoderma 50 gms in 10 lits of water.
Organic: Spray G Agro Microfeed L 5gm/lit + G Agro Meta 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Images Of Pest Life Cycle:
Stages: Egg Larvae Pupae Adult
Mark Of Identification: White eggs near the base of the plant. White in Color. In the soil. The flies are slender, greyish, large-winged. The maggots are small, white and about 8 mm. in length.
Life Cycle: 2-7 Days. 5-7 Days. 2-3 Weeks. 2-3 Weeks.
Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Grow Allium fistulosum as it is more tolerant than A. cepa .Apply 10 kg of carbaryl 4G or phorate lOG to the soil followed by light irrigation.  Spray methy demeton 25 EC or dimethaote 30 EC 1.0 L in 500 – 750 L of water per ha.
Organic: Spray with G Agro Beau 5ml/lit 2 to 3 spray at 21 days interval.
Images Of Pest Life Cycle:
Stages: Egg Caterpillar Pupae Adult
Mark Of Identification: 300 to 450 eggs in 10 to 15 clusters. Eggs are globular in shape, ribbed and whitish in colour. Feed gregariously on foliage for a few days and then enter into the soil. Appear after a dusk, mate and lay eggs on the ventral surface of leaves or moist soil. Small, slender, yellowish to brown with fringed wings and drift away on disturbance.
Life Cycle: 10-15 Days. 4-7 Days. 2-13 Days. 30-45 Days.
Management (Pest Control):
Chemical: Drench collar region of plants in evening hours with chlorpyriphos 20 EC or endosulfan 35 EC 4 ml/ L a day after planting.
Organic:  Endemic areas, apply NSKE 5% or G Agro Neem 5 litre in  500 – 750 litre of water per ha.
Crop Selection
Seed Variety Characteristics Crop Duration
Crop Yield
Pusa Red In this type the bulb is medium in size, purple-red, flattish round, each bulb weighs 70-90 g, less bolting and ! with poor pungency. 123-140 257-300
Punjab Selection 1. The bulbs are red in color, quite firm and having good keeping quality.
2. It is tolerant to purple blotch and thrips and suitable for dehydration.
Pusa Ratna The bulbs are large, slightly oblate with attractive deep red and are exposed above ground at maturity. 120-130 179
Agri-found Dark Red The bulbs are red, tight skin, moderate pungency and globular in shape. 150-160
Arka Niketan Bulbs are globular at their neck and of attractive color, weighing about 100-180 g each. 140-145 239
Arka Kalyan The bulb is deep pink colored. The leaves are slightly resistant to the purple blotch. 100-110 274
N-2-4-1 The bulb is about 5.65 cm long and 6.3 cm wide and mild pungent. It has good keeping quality. 140-145 190
Pusa White Round The bulbs are white, suitable for dehydration, roundish flat, about 4.65 cm long and 6.21 cm wide. 140-150 169
S-48 1. The plant has 8-9 leaves.
2. Bulbs are flattish round having good flavor and texture.
3. The plant can attain 40-60 cm height.
145-165 170